As a Clairvoyant Dean receives visions of people, places and things of the past, present and future. His Clairsentient gift means he can also receive psychic senses including smell, taste, and touch. And as an Empath he takes on the sensations of the physical and emotional states of being. | Host/Narrator – Marlene Pardo Pellicer military_medium_podcast.mp3File Size: 107252 kbFile Type: mp3Download File [...]

As a Clairvoyant Dean receives visions of people, places and things of the past, present and future. His Clairsentient gift means he can also receive psychic senses including smell, taste, and touch. And as an Empath he takes on the sensations of the physical and emotional states of being. | Host/Narrator – 
Marlene Pardo Pellicer military_medium_podcast.mp3File Size: 107252 kbFile Type: mp3Download File