Filmmaker Freddie Wong is on for Part II of his conversation, on the "The Influencer Economy." You may know Freddie for his popular web series "Video Game High School, which has reached over 65 million views online. To state it simply, it's "Harry Potter for video games."  Ryan and Freddie had such an interesting conversation, he had to divide it up into 2 episodes.  To catch last week's episode:

We talked about what it's like to run a modern day media company, in the day of the internet. And the conversation takes an unexpected twist when Ryan's memory runs out on his camera, which we'll leave for your to listen to. This was one of our favorite chats, Freddie is a true professional when it comes to creating and conversing.

In early 2014, he shattered an online video crowdfunding record for Video Game High School, raising over $900,000 for his IndieGoGo crowdfunding campaign. He is also the filmmaker behind the popular YouTube Channle /FreddieW which features video game / sic-fi / and special effects heavy content. The Channel has over 7 million subscribers, and has an amazingly loyal online following.

The Influencer Economy is also on Stitcher and on iTunes

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