Sloane Davidson:  Founder of The Causemopolitan

Sloane Davidson, the founder of The Causemopolitan, chatted with Ryan about her journey as a social entrepreneur and about her “giving philosophy” for life. Sloane is also the author the Giving Manifesto, and has pioneered the category of “Cause-Filled Living.” She is the real deal, and through her writing, helps people find more meaning in their business relationships and friendships.  She details the launching of the Causemopolitan and how she writes her personal essays and grows her community.  

Sloane is an new class of entrepreneur, who has defined her career on her own terms.  One of her most memorable quotes from the podcast was: “The things I have done and not gotten paid for, have by far impacted me the most and made me feel alive. They have brought me the greatest connections and opportunities.”  Sloane and Ryan discuss the upside of working on passion projects and pursuing work outside of your day-job.  They agree that often these projects lead you to to more satisfaction and can shape your career in un-imaginable ways.  Many times Sloane has re-booted and re-launched her professional live, through creating value for the world.

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Sloane was named a top influencer at the 2010 Clinton Global Initiative and "Top Woman to Follow" on Twitter by Forbes.  She has also raised more than $1.5 million dollars for non-profits, including creating the Gulf Coast Benefit, an effort to support Gulf Coast communities after the BP oil spill.

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