Have you ever woken up with a hangover so bad you retained the memories of three different people? Our good Hub gang kids have. What world awaits them outside the bounds of the City of Mists? What were those explosions they heard as they slowly regained consciousness? Who's preventing them from having a well-earned day on the beach now? 

Emrek Pak is played by Michael Blood. You can find them on Twitter @GoodSirBlood.

Medb Sentus is played by OG Brown Sugar. You can find her on Twitter @OGBrownSugar.

Keva Zharma is played by Keekers. You can find her on Twitter @BeASpaceCat.

Zonan Qan is played by Jason. You can find him on Twitter @SingingChemist.

I'm your friendly guide, Matt. You can find me on Twitter @Whycalibur

Follow our show @BrokenSunRPG, tweet about it using the #brokensunrpg hashtag, join our discord at https://discord.gg/e9TbnYJ and read up on the lore of the land at splintersofabrokensun.tumblr.com

Music by Matt. Additional music by Amper and Matt.

I want to acknowledge that this podcast is produced on the unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Stó:lō, Kwantlen, Stz'uminus, and Musqueam people, and the treaty land of the Tsawwassen First Nation.

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