Back aboard the Jellyfish Junction, the Sunbreakers track down Cal and the rogue Centauran security head. 

Black lives matter. Please donate to bail funds and Black people. You can find these easily on Twitter these days-- check our feed for some examples. Learn and donate:

Medb Sentus and Augustus are played by Velvet (fae/faer). You can find faer on Twitter @OGBrownSugar.

Keva Zharma and CD are played by Keekers (she/her). You can find her on Twitter @BeASpaceCat.

Emren Pak and Slip are played by Michael Blood (they/them). You can find them on Twitter @GoodSirBlood.

Zora Zhackson is played by Trudy (they/them). 

I'm your friendly guide, Matt (he/they). You can find me on Twitter @Whycalibur, or follow the show @BrokenSunRPG. All music in this episode is also by me.

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Get Scum and Villainy by Stras Acimovic and John Leboef-Little from Evil Hat Games. 

I want to acknowledge that this podcast is produced on the unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Stó:lō, Kwantlen, Stz'uminus, and Musqueam people, and the treaty land of the Tsawwassen First Nation.

Support indigenous land protectors by visiting and learning about the ongoing fight against invasive and illegal pipelines, and by searching "settler saturday" or #SettlerSaturday on Twitter to support Indigenous folks directly.

Reconciliation is dead. Revolution is alive.

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