The crew of the Probable Cause are smugglers, troublemakers, and sometimes revolutionaries. Today, they're bringing a package to a bar after a successful mission on behalf of their contact XL and the Solar Worker's Union.

Unfortunately, this job isn't going to end as well as it began. 

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Augustus is played by Velvet (fae/faer). You can find faer on Twitter @OGBrownSugar.

CD is played by Keekers (she/her). You can find her on Twitter @BeASpaceCat.

Slip is played by Michael Blood (they/them). You can find them on Twitter @GoodSirBlood.

I'm your friendly guide, Matt (he/they). You can find me on Twitter @Whycalibur, or follow the show @BrokenSunRPG. All music in this episode is also by me.

Get Scum and Villainy by Stras Acimovic and John Leboef-Little from Evil Hat Games. 

I want to acknowledge that this podcast is produced on the unceded territory of the Katzie, Kwikwetlem, Stó:lō, Kwantlen, Stz'uminus, and Musqueam people, and the treaty land of the Tsawwassen First Nation.

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