Code for America was founded in 2009, since then it has grown into a national tour de force, driving massive government change and spawning other "Code For"’s all over the world.

We had a chance at this year's Code for America Summit to sit down with founder Jennifer Pahlka to reflect back on the journey to get here and to look forward to what is next both for Code for America and for her, including a soon to be released book. Yes, you heard it here first!

Jennifer Pahlka’s Twitter account

Code for America’s Twitter account

Richard Pietro’s Twitter account

Derek Alton’s Twitter account

ReOpenGov Twitter account

Stories from the Open Gov is a podcast published by and is dedicated to telling the stories about what Open Government & Open Data look like.

Your hosts are Richard Pietro and Derek Alton, Open Government & Open Data practitioners for the past 10 years. Listen and learn how Open Government & Open Data are becoming a reality!

MUSIC ATTRIBUTION - Introduction & conclusion

Singing Sadie - I Can't Dance…3_I_Cant_Dance

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)

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