Audrey Tang is the Digital Minister for the country of Taiwan.

Audrey has a very rich international work history and her influence ranges from coding, to silicon valley startups, to research, and even grassroots activism that helped to transform a government. And she was able to do all this before she was 40!

To top it all off, even though she is currently the Digital Minister for Taiwan, she officially retired about 5 years ago

And today Audrey will tell us her journey as a civic organizer, beginning with how she dropped out of school at the age of 14 to start an IT company and concluding with her involvement with g0v.

In Part 2, Audrey will talk in more details about the Sunflower movement, how she became Taiwan's Digital Minister, and her accomplishments while holding that office.

Click below for full episode transcript graciously provided by the Taiwanese government.

Audrey Tang Twitter account

Richard Pietro Twitter account

Stories from the Open Gov is a podcast published by and is dedicated to telling the stories about what Open Government & Open Data look like.

Your host is Richard Pietro, an Open Government & Open Data practitioner for the past 10 years. Listen and learn how Open Government & Open Data are becoming a reality!

MUSIC ATTRIBUTION - Introduction & conclusion
Singing Sadie - I Can't Dance…3_I_Cant_Dance

Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US)

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