Palindrome is a story written from two different perspectives by two different writers. It ends and begins in the same place, with reverence to the return.
Nolon is an obsessive, blossoming psychopath who gets off on tricking women into meeting with him by adopting different personalities on line. Anna is a married woman who likes to find random strangers on line and bring them home. When they find each other, chaos penetrates their otherwise ordinary lives. 
A palindrome himself, James Renner collaborated with Pi_Rational Writer on this by writing the second half titled, "Anna." Between seasons, Pi_Rational Stories will release Interlude tales. One episode acting as a bridge between the dark places. 
Narrated by Valerie Bogart & James Renner.
Recorded by Jeff Koval in Akron OH at the incredible Sta-Level Recording Studio. Check it out on Facebook here:
Music and audio engineering for Palindrome exceptionally executed by David Williams. Check out what else he does here:
Check out all that James Renner does at and listen to his podcast The Philosophy of Crime wherever you're listening to this. In it, he tackles the nuances of crime and those who commit them by using classical philosophy as his guide. 
Pi_Rational Stories is a member of the Crawlspace Media family. For more information go to:  and