When Cassandra Dallett moved to San Francisco in the mid-1980s, she hit the ground running ...

Welcome to Season 3 of Storied: San Francisco! It's good to be back at it, capturing the spirit of the people still here making this city one hell of a special place. Cassandra is the perfect person to get us started.

In this podcast, Cassandra talks about her early life in New England and what drew here to San Francisco as a teenager. She takes through adventures in a flat at Haight and Fillmore that sounds like something right out of Tales of the City. She started going to shows all over town, but the Mab in North Beach had the strongest attraction for her and her young punk rocker friends.

Today, Cassandra lives in Oakland and is an award-nominated poet with her own podcast and book club. She'll be reading her poetry live tonight at our Season 3 kickoff event—Love Letters to the City.

Check back Thursday for Part 2, when Cassandra will tell stories of some of the colorful characters she met when she enrolled in high school in SF.

Film photography by Michelle Kilfeather