The ongoing saga at OVH highlights the need to have solid disaster recovery plans that reflect the risk and impact of systems failure on the business. In this episode, Chris and Martin dig into the issues at OVH and how they represent a wake-up call for businesses in general. High profile failures have been apparent […]

The post #197 – Prioritising Disaster Recovery Planning appeared first on Storage Unpacked.

The ongoing saga at OVH highlights the need to have solid disaster recovery plans that reflect the risk and impact of systems failure on the business. In this episode, Chris and Martin dig into the issues at OVH and how they represent a wake-up call for businesses in general. High profile failures have been apparent over many years, so does DR get the investment and respect it deserves? With so many more businesses operating with a 100% dependency on technology, you would expect so. Why does DR continue to be an afterthought and how has the public cloud distorted the perception of who is responsible for systems, applications and data recovery?

Elapsed Time: 00:44:21


00:00:00 – Intros00:01:00 – Martin walks 4 million steps in a year00:02:30 – The ongoing OVH Saga00:04:00 – Other disasters – 9/11 & Buncefield00:06:30 – Disaster Experiences!00:09:15 – A disaster doesn’t mean losing the entire data centre00:12:15 – Businesses need to understand the level of risk00:12:45 – Risk translates to impact and risk assessment00:13:57 – How should a plan be developed?00:15:00 – The business owner needs to determine the value of the application00:16:40 – Test, test, test – within reason!00:19:00 – Data centre “flipping” is a complex process00:20:00 – If DR is an afterthought then you have a problem00:20:45 – Nobody likes doing documentation00:22:30 – How can software changes break systems?00:25:15 – Many storage upgrades had no fallback position00:27:55 – How much does cost affect decisions to do DR?00:29:30 – War gaming disaster recovery!00:31:45 – How is the perception of technology warping the need for DR?00:34:00 – Starting an airline has regulation – why don’t e-businesses have the same?00:36:45 – How much are non-functional requirements being ignored?00:38:30 – There are many tools for doing DR – it’s never been easier!00:41:00 – Is Disaster Recovery just not glamorous enough?00:43:00 – Wrap Up

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The post #197 – Prioritising Disaster Recovery Planning appeared first on Storage Unpacked.