In this episode, tables are turned. Laura Fisk interviews me for the mentor series. I will answer questions about doing craft shows.

Want to hear from more experts about their tips and tricks? Check out the Mentor Series now!


When was your first show? What was it like? What tricks did you learn along the way on your setup? How did you know your work was going to fit into shows? What was your pricing strategy? How did you do it? Planning your year and planning your show schedule, how do you do that? Where do you find new shows? How do you define if a show is good? What are some red flags to watch out for in shows? What are some unwritten rules of etiquette? Be nice How do you deal with oversaturations in your category? What are some things that you wish you were better with? What are some things that you think new artists get wrong?

Notes from Megan:

Keep your setup simple. Set your expectations lower. Plan your shows as early as you can. Be nice and polite to everyone. The basic of sales: Always be available.

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