In this episode, we are with Jarred Andrews talking about how to get started on social media with your business. 


Why do you think so many small business owners are intimidated by Linkedin?
Do you think that google plus is also important for online businesses? What are the first platforms that my business should be on? What are your tips for creating new content? What is a good ratio for your content? What’s a good benchmark to say that your content isn’t working for you? What do you think is the time should there be a hire on a social media manager? What kind of schedule should I make for social media platforms? Do you think its a good strategy to share same articles on different platforms? Do you think tone should be different on each platform depending on what it is? How do you find hashtag that works? Should you have hashtags on Facebook posts? What are the best apps when starting a business? Buffer vs Hootsuite?



Search feature on Pinterest is amazing.
Have a google plus page for your business. The information on location and contact will be linked to your account when it appears on the search engine. 63% of people searching for products are on the Google platform. Be open to trial and error on generating content in the first 3-6 weeks. After that, you'll get a feel of what works for your audience. Think in a different way on creating your content. Think about what your audience like to see. Having a social media account manager is a good sounding board. Engagements go up and down. The more consistent you are, the more responsive your followers will be. Focus on making your pages on different platforms consistent on information. Analytics will give you information on the best times to post. Mix and match articles. You want to be conversational on your hashtags. Emojis are very
friendly in your posts.

Follow Jarred Andrews on Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin:

@jarredjandrews and [email protected]

Follow Megan on Twitter: @meganpluscoffee Pinterest: meganpluscoffee Instagram: @meganpluscoffee Facebook: