Gabe Arnold Gabe Arnold is the go-to guy when it comes to copywriting and marketing. For over a decade now, he’s helped tons of businesses through sustainable digital marketing and tech services made possible at his company called Copywriter Today. “You cannot micro-manage and control everything and build a team, because there is no point…

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Gabe Arnold

Gabe Arnold is the go-to guy when it comes to copywriting and marketing. For over a decade now, he’s helped tons of businesses through sustainable digital marketing and tech services made possible at his company called Copywriter Today.

“You cannot micro-manage and control everything and build a team, because there is no point in building a team if you are constantly standing on their shoulder every day.” – Gabe Arnold

Passion for Digital Marketing

Gabe was 16 years old when he built and sold his first website. In his early 20s, he ended up building a multimillion-dollar construction company. He scaled it through digital marketing, websites, and SEO.

But he lost the company when the housing market crashed. It was then he realized what he truly loved in his business and that was marketing.

Copywriting for Websites

From that point, Gabe focused on building websites to help brands market themselves online. He worked with them from design up to the implementation. With a team, they were able to complete over 4500 websites.

“It was the perfect model. I can write and I’ve started this business, and it is exactly what I wanted to be and work for.” – Gabe Arnold on launching the copywriting services for websites

But in the process, he’d always return to specific pages only to find them empty. The clients themselves couldn’t figure out what content to place. Not long after, he pursued copywriting for websites.

The Right Time to Hire a Copywriter

It is nice to have someone else craft the exact story you want to present. Gabe discusses the different things involved in the process. First, it is challenging to have your own perspective on something that has already taken place in your head.

You already know what to do but you’re stuck. You don’t exactly know how to express it in writing. That is when specialists like copywriters can be of great help to your business.

To hear from Gabe Arnold, download and listen to the episode. Connect with Gabe through the links below. Remember to let him know you heard about him on Stop Riding the Pine!

Show Links from Gabe Arnold:

Website – Copywriter Today
Gabe on Facebook
Copywriter Today on Facebook

Episode Affiliates

Bottleneck Virtual Assistants
Osiris Communications
Podcast Pilot
SocialJukebox discount code SRTP20

If you haven’t checked it out yet, listen to our previous episode George Zwierko & Mike Compton How to Produce a Successful Video Campaign | Ep. 246. Don’t forget to leave a 5-star rating and review if you enjoyed the show. We would love to hear from you!

The post Gabe Arnold On Hiring a Copywriter for Your Business | Ep. 247 appeared first on Bottleneck Distant Assistants.