A special episode of Stop Everything recorded live at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, in front of a real-life, 100% capacity crowd at Carriageworks.

BL + BW appeared with two special guests: Carly Findlay, the editor of Growing Up Disabled in Australia, and Sam van Zweden, the author of Eating With My Mouth Open. We discussed the body, disability, fatness – and the medicalisation, language and politics around these things.

If you need support or to talk to someone. The Butterfly Foundation is a site where you can find resources for eating disorders and body image: www.butterfly.org.au

Lifeline is also available 24 hours: https://www.lifeline.org.au/

Show notes:

Carly Findlay: https://carlyfindlay.com.au/

Sam van Zweden: https://samvanzweden.com/

Megan Jayne Crabbe aka body posi panda: https://www.instagram.com/bodyposipanda/

Lindy West, author of Shrill: https://www.lindywest.net/