WARNING: the episode you are about to listen to was recorded in the absence of super producer Jason, and when the cat is away… the stoop kidz must play. And, as if on cue, two episodes appeared that seem tailor-made to get us a little unhinged. First, we litigate Hey Arnold's take on "don't meet your heroes" (It's ok if you're Arnold) in a discussion on how Arnold so frequently manages to avoid didacticism despite its obvious moral bent and how this one falls short. Then, we (poorly) try to conceal our infatuation with Lorenzo's hot mom seething antipathy for the rich in order to welcome - and bid a fond farewell - to Lorenzo, the only good rich kid. We may also diverge into rather spirited conversations on topics such as anxiety (surprise), being the new kid, why visionary anime director Hayao Miyazaki probably wouldn't like us much, and George Miller's heartbreaking Academy Award nominated 1992 drama, LORENZO'S OIL. Like we said, Jason wasn't here for this one. Wanna see more Hey Arnold! stuff? How about some fun, goofy posts? Follow us on https://twitter.com/stoopkidzpod and www.instagram.com/stoopkidzpod/ between episodes for more fun stuff from the Kidz! While you’re at it, rate us on Apple or Spotify and leave us a review if you love the show – not only does it help us grow, we read every single one! All Stoop Kidz show art is created by our own Emily Csuy (https://www.instagram.com/emilycsuy/). Intro music: “Hey Arnold! Theme” by Jim Lang. Intermission music: “Groove Remote” by Jim Lang. Outro music: “Stompin’” by Jim Lang.

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