Download Episode! Stoney Lake Reflections Show Notes Episode: 06 Jim & Judy Mohr What I have to say: Jim & Judy were very much parental figures for me and countless others.  Their roles as 'in loco parentis' were not cemented because of their age in relation to younger staff, but with their stage in life, Storer experiences, and willingness not to only support campers, but support the staff.  It was a knowing look, a reassuring glance, a quick chat during some long days that helpred many of us to dig a little deeper to make the Storer magic happen.  They were a couple who had seen it all at camp, who were once in our shoes.  With their experience came great wisdom and calm, almost silent leadership for us 'young kids' on staff.  It was quite wonderous in the 1990s to have Jim & Judy as true examples of what we were there for.  It was amazing to think, we were fortunate enough to work along side with these two 'legends' who preceded us (at that time) by a few decades.   It was such a solid example of respecting what had come before us, it gave many of us a phenominal touchstone to the past and present with hope for the future.  And when it came for final campfires, Judy & Jim gaves us a great dose of the historical and traditional import of the procedings.  On our tough days, they gave us strength.  On great days they contributed (sometime caused) and shared in the laughter. Show Notes: Part III Mohr’s Judy reflects on lessons learned Judy also details her work on many campership committees that send kids from all backgrounds to camps throughout Michigan, including YMCA Storer Camps. What it was like raising a family at camp Directing the Girl’s camp was a big challenge, but they both worked together and that worked out very well What it was like at Girl’s camp Challenging times on trips and as a kitchen girl- great fun and hard work. Land management is a modern day challenge Jim Mohr dressed as a daffodil Father Nature, Opera star!     'Lands for Learning Project'  Prescribed burn on North Side of Stony Lake  

Download Episode! Stoney Lake Reflections Show Notes Episode: 06 Jim & Judy Mohr What I have to say: Jim & Judy were very much parental figures for me and countless others.  Their roles as 'in loco parentis' were not cemented because of their age in relation to younger staff, but with their stage in life, Storer experiences, and willingness not to only support campers, but support the staff.  It was a knowing look, a reassuring glance, a quick chat during some long days that helpred many of us to dig a little deeper to make the Storer magic happen.  They were a couple who had seen it all at camp, who were once in our shoes.  With their experience came great wisdom and calm, almost silent leadership for us 'young kids' on staff.  It was quite wonderous in the 1990s to have Jim & Judy as true examples of what we were there for.  It was amazing to think, we were fortunate enough to work along side with these two 'legends' who preceded us (at that time) by a few decades.   It was such a solid example of respecting what had come before us, it gave many of us a phenominal touchstone to the past and present with hope for the future.  And when it came for final campfires, Judy & Jim gaves us a great dose of the historical and traditional import of the procedings.  On our tough days, they gave us strength.  On great days they contributed (sometime caused) and shared in the laughter. Show Notes: Part III Mohr’s Judy reflects on lessons learned Judy also details her work on many campership committees that send kids from all backgrounds to camps throughout Michigan, including YMCA Storer Camps. What it was like raising a family at camp Directing the Girl’s camp was a big challenge, but they both worked together and that worked out very well What it was like at Girl’s camp Challenging times on trips and as a kitchen girl- great fun and hard work. Land management is a modern day challenge Jim Mohr dressed as a daffodil Father Nature, Opera star!     'Lands for Learning Project'  Prescribed burn on North Side of Stony Lake