Previous Episode: Daimajin
Next Episode: Return of Daimajin

In 1973, with with the most stringy of shoestring budgets and very little time, Jun Fukuda and Co. pumped out Godzilla vs. Megalon, the 13th entry in the Godzilla franchise. This film is as crazy as it gets, with robots who can grow giant through sheer force of will, Godzilla as a fighter-for-hire, and evil undersea people who use Easter Island as a giant phone to talk to their friends from Nebula Space Hunter M deep in outer space. But is this film the rock bottom as many people claim it is for our giant radioactive friend? Or is it a fun camp-filled ride? Listen and find out! 
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The final track is "Punch Punch Punch" by Riichiro Manabe 
Don't forget to join us next week for Return of Daimajin!