In our 16th episode, we present to you, Mr. Alok Jain.

Eugene Fama the father of Efficient Market hypothesis openly admitted to the 02 anomalies, namely Value and Momentum. While value hunting is considered as Investing, somehow Momentum Investing almost sounds like an oxymoron. A typical buy and hold investor cannot even fathom these 02 words used in the same breath.

Mr. Alok Jain backed by his back-tested automated systematic trading systems named Mi-50 and Mi-25 is here to break that myth. He demonstrated that by having a rule-based entry and exit, one can efficiently exploit this inefficiency.

We at, of course, are not endorsing his offerings; neither are we commenting on the efficacy of the strategy.

Our job here is simply to present the various avenues available, different ways to skin a cat. Like our caveat says, There is only one right way, Yours.

To know more about him, his background and his offerings, please feel free to explore his website,