Tom Basso, more popularly, ‘Mr. Serenity’ is an American Hedge Fund manager.

He is living a semi-retired life now trading his trend-following system on some 21 different asset classes from the comfort of his bedroom spending a few minutes every day while having ample time for his family and passions like ‘Fishing’.

He is called ‘Mr. Serenity’ because his trading style is totally nonchalant as you will learn in this Podcast. There is Zero room for discretion, be it buying, position sizing, or selling. Even his hedging mechanism is on full Auto Pilot.

He was interviewed in New Market Wizards by Jack Schwager and since then has been interviewed by all major podcasters the world over.

He runs a very informative and interesting website EnjoyThe Ride detailing his trend-following methodology EnjoyTheRide.World
He founded and ran Trendstat Capital Management until it was closed in 2003 when assets under management fell to $65M. Tom authored three books: “Panic-Proof Investing” and the self-published “The Frustrated Investor”. He was elected to the board of the National Futures Association in 1998, He is also the Chairman of the Board of Standpoint Funds, located in Scottsdale, Arizona, which specializes in All-Weather investing.

Tom has recently published his new book The All Weather Trader:

Tom believes that investment psychology is by far the more important element, followed by risk control, with the least important consideration being the question of where to buy and sell.
Tom Basso is also active on Twitter if you wish to contact him.
In this Podcast, we delve deeper into his trading system, position sizing, and hedging technique. I am sure our nuanced audience will pick some hidden, valuable nuggets from this conversation.

Podcast Record Date: 13.09.2022

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