medicine with the rising number of old people has got to be a killer stock!
Formats available:Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
Tags: stock, rockets, medco, barbie, hargrave, hot, blonde, sexy, merck, anti, depressants, exercise, eating, egg, mcmuffin, ritalin, focus, add, generics, drugs, manufacturers, pbm, pharmacutical, management, business, oxycodone, pfizer,, fountainhead, networks, fou

medicine with the rising number of old people has got to be a killer stock!
Formats available:Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
Tags: stock, rockets, medco, barbie, hargrave, hot, blonde, sexy, merck, anti, depressants, exercise, eating, egg, mcmuffin, ritalin, focus, add, generics, drugs, manufacturers, pbm, pharmacutical, management, business, oxycodone, pfizer,, fountainhead, networks, fou