With ridiculous gas prices Barbie give you the heads up on this solar company making some waves.
Formats available:Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
Tags: stock, rockets, first, solar, barbie, hargrave, sexy, hot, blonde, energy, renewable, power, kids, married, back, to, future, oil, spill, hoverboard, fountainheadnetworks.tv, fountainhead, networks, fountain, head, studios

With ridiculous gas prices Barbie give you the heads up on this solar company making some waves.
Formats available:Quicktime (.mov), Flash Video (.flv)
Tags: stock, rockets, first, solar, barbie, hargrave, sexy, hot, blonde, energy, renewable, power, kids, married, back, to, future, oil, spill, hoverboard, fountainheadnetworks.tv, fountainhead, networks, fountain, head, studios