Hayley Mills-Styles: Thread Artist Who Loves Digital Embroidery

Today on the Stitchery Stories embroidery and textile art podcast, Hayley Mills-Styles shares her life in fabric & thread. Hayley describes herself as a thread artist, and has had a very busy year so far culminating in two solo exhibitions. Whilst she has a love for backstitch, we have a great chat about her love of digital embroidery.

Susan Weeks chats with Hayley about:

A busy year preparing for exhibitions The joy of working collaboratively, as well as visiting museums for research Loving libraries and all those "real books" Connecting people, places and materials Unpicking things as a curious child How much do we love backstitch? Discovering the world of digital embroidery An obsession with pin cushions The excitement of unusual objects as embroidery inspiration Writing about Narwhals! The roller-coaster of freelance creative businesses Who has 37 types of 'post-it notes'? and much more...

For this episode... View Show Notes, Links & Examples of Hayley's work at https://stitcherystories.com/hayleymillsstyles

Follow the Stitchery Stories Instagram channel at: https://www.instagram.com/stitcherystories_podcast/

Visit: http://www.hayleymillsstyles.com

Look: https://www.instagram.com/hmillsstyles

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Visit: Whitby Museum https://whitbymuseum.org.uk/

Visit: Love Arts Festival (Leeds) http://www.loveartsleeds.co.uk/