Next Episode: August Update is LIVE!

On this episode, I introduce 2 new segments and then proceed to forget to add content to one, I have technical difficulties so you get to see me in 2 different outfits, and I recap on my Tour de Fleece and Stash Dash success! A handspun KAL is currently going down in the SxS Ravelry group. Come join along. Enjoy!

*** New Blog Host ***

RSS Feed:

More feed options are located in the right side bar of the website. The iTunes feed has not changed. Fingers crossed. ;)

YouTube Channel: Stitch by Stitch

Past shownotes will still be available on the previous site at:

Handspun KAL thread on Ravelry -- This KAL will be ongoing! #sxshandspunkal

Come join in on a perpetual, relaxed, no deadline, handspun KAL with a bunch of folks who love knitting with handspun! Group members, come share your handspun-friendly pattern suggestions here. Share you project with social media hashtag: #sxshandspunkal

Back Stitch

Typos on the captions... not that this is the first time, but Pet "Semetary" (or however I spelled it) should be Cemetery. It happens folks.

New Segments:

Highlight Reel

Renegade Craft Fair (It happens in London too!)

Friends to [Knit/Spin] With

Cujo (Not for the faint of heart!) Bwhahahaa!

Finished Knits:

Simple Garter Stitch Slippers | My Project

My Ravelry Projects

Current Knits:

Stella Luna | My Project

Imogen Cowl

On the Shore


Tour de Fleece page

Stash Dash page