In this guest episode, Luka Milosevic talks with Mojgan Hodaie about the neuromodulation for neuropathic pain, how serendipity may lead to a whole novel research field, how our teachers shape the way we think about the brain and how we may learn from each single patient we get in contact with. Prof. Hodaie is a world-wide expert in stereotactic surgery with a special focus on (imaging guided targeting of) neuropathic pain.

The Hodaie lab published the seminal article demonstrating the feasibility of detailed imaging of the course of the cranial nerves in the posterior fossa and a method in which these relate to tumours that arise there, particularly acoustic neuromas.

Prof. Hodaie is a member of the executive board of the Foundation for International Education in Neurological Surgery (FIENS) and the founder of the NEURON project (