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Week of: October 8 – October 15, 2012

The first Presidential Debate has come and gone, and it’s time for a little ‘post-game’ wrap-up relating to the candidates’ performance, whether there will be any change in the polls and some fact-checking.

Recently I posted an article in which I discussed the likely strategy of both candidates coming into the debate. All in all, my predictions for how Mitt Romney and President Obama would approach the debate was accurate…with the important difference that Romney over-performed, while the President drastically under-performed, resulting in a clear victory for Mitt.

However, although Romney won stylistically, my biggest issues were with the grossly negligent moderator of the debate, Jim Lehrer, and the fact that President Obama never unleashed any of the many offensive weapons against his opponent that Romney essentially handed to him on a silver platter that night and over the last few months…a decision that is still beyond my comprehension. The President played defense to a fault – opting instead to ‘stay above the fray’ – and never challenged the monumental amount of contradictory and inaccurate statements made by his opponent.

But will Romney’s performance move the needle and reverse the downward trajectory of his campaign with only 5 weeks until the election? Will the polls hold or see a shift in the all-important battleground states and with the sliver of undecided voters who remain? Traditionally the polls heading into the debates end up being the same as on election day, but was Romney’s performance strong enough to change that or will the President rise to the occasion in the 2 remaining debates?

Enjoy the show!