Title: How to Harness Your 3 Core Values to Navigate Life's Many Roles

Episode Number: 91

Introduction: In this episode, Steven Webb discusses the complexities of modern life and how identifying and living by three core values can help us navigate the many roles we play. He also shares his perspective on the spiritual journey as a process of opening one's heart and becoming more compassionate, understanding, and loving.

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[00:00:00] Introduction[00:01:32] Discussion on the complexities of modern life[00:06:31] The importance of identifying and living by three core values[00:08:30] Understanding the spiritual journey[00:14:35] Reflection on how living by core values can change our lives

Key Points:

The complexities of modern life often involve juggling multiple roles on a daily basis.Identifying and living by three core values can help us navigate these complexities and maintain our sense of identity.The spiritual journey is about opening one's heart, becoming more tolerant, compassionate, understanding, loving, and ultimately, suffering less.


"Imagine if everybody had like a t-shirt on and they were showing up as those three words, their core values. How much would people change? I don't think people would change at all. I just think we would embrace our true selves." - Steven Webb"The spiritual journey is how do I show up as a friend or a part of the community, or just a visitor to a town with an open heart and the compassion and the understanding." - Steven Webb

Core Values Mentioned: Authenticity, Compassion, Respect, Integrity, Love, Responsibility, Empathy, Courage, Humility, Gratitude, Patience, Generosity, Perseverance, Self-discipline, Optimism, Fairness, Kindness, Growth, Balance, Peace.

Contact Information: Visit stevenwebb.com to get in touch.

Credits: Hosted by Steven Webb

Additional Podcast: Check out Steven's other podcast, Inner Peace Meditations, at InnerPeaceMeditations.com.