In this episode:

Making your bedroom perfect for sleep. How to prepare your evening for sleep. What to do when you wake up in the night and cannot get back to sleep. Hints, tips and tricks to fall asleep.

Plus, how the military go to sleep in less than two minutes.

Sleep Meditation

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Intro: Hello, and welcome to my podcast. I'm Steven Webb, and this is Stillness In the Storms of life. It's the podcast that will help you have a little inner peace when you have it least and you need it most.


On today's show, I'm going to help you to get the benefits of meditation, even if you're somebody that cannot shut off your mind. How does that sound? But today, first of all, let's I have a word from my sponsors. Okay, I haven't gotten those sponsors yet, but if you would like to sponsor the show if you would like me to give you a shoutout, head over to and you can support me on Patreon and then I would give you a shout out on the show. If you're a business or you know a business or somebody that really wants to support and help the show grow so I can reach more people, help more people have a little more inner peace - I almost said have a little less inner peace -if you can support the show in any way like that, head over to and you'll see a link to the Patreon site in which you...but not only that, you get videos. Like right now, I'm recording the video of this. And it's very much on the video, which makes it a lot better, a lot more entertaining. 


Why did I start meditating?

On today's show, why did I start meditating? Let's start with that because it will make sense. Are you somebody that has got a really active mind and your mind goes completely blank when you don't need it to, at the worst times, like recording a podcast? On the other hand, does your mind have constant overthinking when you want it to go blank a little bit, like when you're trying to go sleep or when you try to focus on something or you're listening to a really important podcast or film, but you're tired and your mind is like, just, I can't listen anymore, my neuro synopsis is just saying enough? And then you get the idea that I'm going to sit down and meditate for like 10 minutes. And there you go, boom! Your mind goes into overactive mode straight away. 


Well, I started meditating first in my late twenties, but it lasted about four minutes, I believe. I started meditating for the wrong reasons. I thought it would be cool and I thought it might even get me a girlfriend or get me laid - sorry to admit that one. You know, we were all young once, but then when I turned 40, I hit rock bottom and I found myself in a position where I could not sleep. I found myself single and the only thing my mind would do for a long, long time was to go over the questions I had for my ex.


I was mad. If I sat her down for just 30 seconds, it would go like, what are they doing now? What's happening? What are they up to? Why did they do that to you? How dare they do that. And it would go to the craziest times of thinking, which is completely irrelevant, but it gave me no peace whatsoever. And so, I started reading books a few weeks later because I couldn't sleep so I had to almost mask my voice, I had to mask the thoughts in my head. And the only way I could do that was to keep my mind busy or doing something else.


Alcohol did not work. I drunk for about two weeks and after about four days, I doubled the amount. Then about another four days, I doubled the amount again. It got a little bit