On this Memorial Day we remember the fallen. That’s right, #MeltdownMay 2019 is dedicated to all the Wife Guys out there who have so savagely embarrassed themselves and their (often ex) wives in the court of public opinion. Are you totally lost reading this? That’s fine. Josh explains the beautiful social experiment turned works of art that is a “wife guy” through the lens of fallen from grace YouTuber, Pro Jared, his very public, very awkward divorce and subsequently leaked dick-pics. Yikes.

Leyla also brings us a lil’ reading series Jr. with the Wall Street Journal’s The Art of Being Single by Elizabeth Bernstein. When has one mastered said art? Where is the culture of self-love headed if left unchecked? And finally, a quick revisiting of our ongoing debate: to birth or not to birth. We check in with and discuss some thoughts those no-goodnick socialists over at Chapo Trap House recently had on the subject.

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