Vets to Pets pairs soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder and other related problems with a shelter dog. American hero Ralph Matson, is the star of this podcast, who has his service dog Beef at his side… You want to be touched by what dogs can do, listen to this soldier’s words about the difference […]

Vets to Pets pairs soldiers with post traumatic stress disorder and other related problems with a shelter dog.

American hero Ralph Matson, is the star of this podcast, who has his service dog Beef at his side… You want to be touched by what dogs can do, listen to this soldier’s words about the difference service dogs make to our veterans…Who indeed deserve the best. End of story…For all the sacrifices they’ve made for us… “Providing a service dog may change a human life, even save a life,” says Matson. Of course, we’re also saving a shelter dog’s life. Not too shabby.

Vets to Pets wouldn’t be possible without the supporting non-profit War Dogs Making It Home, the Anti Cruelty Society (to provide pets free of charge to these veterans) and the program’s benefactor Fifth Third Bank.

Also in studio, a huge proponent of the program Chicago City Clerk Susana Mendoza and Fifth Third Bank VP Regional Marketing & Public Relations Director Andrew Hayes.