I've switched up my 3X/week morning walks by adding a kettlebell to the mix.

That's right, while some people take their dogs for a walk, I've started lugging my 35 lb cannonball with a handle around the neighborhood. I start out by simply doing a farmers walk, switching sides about every 300 yards or so. Then I carry the kettlebell in front of me, holding it with both hands and keeping it close to my chest as to not put too much strain on my lower back. After a few hundred yards of that, I'll do a couple sets of ten overhead presses with each arm.

The surprisingly-easy and quite effective exercise I just discovered on this morning's walk is to swing the bell around my waste, alternating hands, in an exercise I'm naming whoolabelling...no, I may have to rethink that name. Point is, once you get in a rhythm with the circular motion, it's quite fun and easy to just keep swinging it. 

I'll get some video together. Should be good for a laugh, if nothing else :)