Zach Cross went from a high performing synthetic chemist to a top technical salesperson.  The non-linear path that he took to get there, however, is the best part of this STEMulating conversation.  Through a series of events, Zach Cross realized that chemistry in a macroeconomic sense was changing, and he had to both adjust and adapt to remain relative and competitive. 

He also shares his love for running and how he has been able to incorporate it in several phases of his career.  He has organized a successful fundraising event for his company and as a calling card to develop rapport with potential clients.  Zach shared that running allows him to focus and applies it to everything he does in life, from being a husband, a dad, and a professional. 

As this episode aired, he completed another milestone of 600 consecutive days of running at least 1 mile.

Check him out and follow his running streak on social media using the hashtag RunningDad