Previous Episode: reSTEM-TER
Next Episode: reSTEMfringe

Episode 40:

In this episode, Tom talks with the founder of Fizzics Education, Ben Newsome. Ben is a pretty interesting guy, and after listening tot this interview you'll probably agree that he doesn't really like to sit still for very long. Always up on the go, trying out new projects.

Inspiration, innovation or insanity, you decide! (or a little bit of all three!!)

Ben answered Chloe Warren's question of what's the best mistake you've ever made and asked his own question. 

Ignoring funding, if someone gave you 10 million now what would you do with it? 

Thanks so much to Ben for his time, that was great talk, lots of fun! This was a great interview, good times.

STEMpunk will be running another STEM based Trivia and entertainment and variety Night "STEMquiz" on Tuesday in Science week on Tuesday August 14, hosted by our friends at the wonderful Wayward Brewing Company. Details for tickets are on our Facebook page or Eventbrite.

Intro: STARSET -Down with the fallen.

Outro: Cameron Stiff's track

Both used with permission.

STEMpunk Podcast


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