If you’re not familiar with the term, "Lose the Cape" is a podcast by two brave, modern moms: Alexa Bigwarfe and Aubrey Mathis. I had the pleasure of being a guest on their podcast, and have known ever since that they needed to be on this one! If you feel like it's time that you recognize your strengths, get yourself organized, and allow yourself to truly inhabit your potential, enjoy this chat with Alexa and Aubrey. They bring warmth and enthusiasm to their message about shedding expectations, growing into yourself, and embracing your own confidence.

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The Mission Log: [03:22] - We start off by learning a bit more about Alexa and Aubrey, with Alexia introducing herself first. Aubrey then takes her turn, explaining how she and Alexa connected. [06:34] - Orion asks what Alexa and Aubrey got out of her interview on their podcast. [07:39] - Alexa explains what “losing the cape” means to her. Aubrey then steps in, explaining how this relates to making Orion a good fit for their show. [10:36] - How did Alexa and Aubrey lose the cape in their own lives? In both of their answers, they discuss finding confidence and stepping into their truer selves. Orion then shares some of her own life experiences and offers some inspiration. [14:49] - Aubrey talks about how she experienced other people’s expectations and felt confined in a box. Alexa then relates her experiences, which are in some ways very different from Aubrey’s. [18:10] - Alexa is glad that women are coming out of the closet in a sexual way, she reveals. [19:37] - What is confidence, and what do women need to do to gain it? Aubrey, Alexa, and Orion all discuss the topic, offering their own insights and exploring the importance of having the right people around you. [22:48] - Alexa and Aubrey discuss what moms struggle with the most. Alexa emphasizes the role of guilt in the typical mothering experience. Aubrey then draws out the topic of the fear that many mothers feel regarding their children. [24:59] - Aubrey excuses herself, leaving Orion and Alexa to talk about the potential internal conflict of Alexa seeing herself in different ways and roles. [27:05] - Orion points out that we tend to put ourselves in boxes or cages and just lock the door. Alexa then mentions her personal tragedy of having her infant daughter pass away, and explains how this helped her come to some important realizations. [28:24] - Alexa talks about her tattoo that honors her late daughter, and in the process reveals the precocious wisdom of her 7-year-old daughter. [30:18] - Alexa mentions a nonprofit she started and a book she wrote with 30 other moms and dads about all kinds of child loss. [31:39] - Beyond her late daughter Kathryn, what inspires Alexa in everyday life? [33:18] - Orion makes reference to a quote by Albert Einstein, and offers some words of wisdom to listeners. [34:14] - We hear who a few of Alexa’s greatest mentors are. [36:49] - Alexa briefly mentions being in the air force as an intelligence officer. [37:57] - Does Alexa have any rituals or ways to organize her life that can benefit listeners? As she answers, she talks about the relief of minimalism and getting rid of stuff. Orion then recommends The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up [41:18] - Alexa relates a story about having gone to New York last week and the freedom of packing lightly. [42:07] - What are Alexa’s three tips to living a stellar life? 1. Don’t be afraid to try new things. 2. Laugh often. 3. Surround yourself with amazing people who lift you up and encourage you. [42:51] - Where can people find Alexa and Aubrey? Links and Resources:

Lose the Cape
@LoseTheCape on Facebook
@LosetheCape on Twitter
@losethecape on Instagram
Sunshine After the Storm by Alexa Bigwarfe
Today May Suck by Aubrey Mathis
Lose the Cape: Realities from Busy Modern Moms and Strategies to Survive
Lose the Cape: Never Will I Ever (and then I had kids!)
Channing Tatum
Tony Robbins
Albert Einstein
Michelle Obama
The Miracle Morning
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up
BookExpo America

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