Today we're talking with Louis Di Bianco, a professional storyteller with experience as a screen and stage actor, teacher, and business presentation coach. A great scene often throws the audience into the middle of a conflict that’s already happening, immediately arousing their curiosity and drawing their attention. He brings his experience to help us become clear, powerful communicators and superstars who can tell their stories in ways that are engaging, compelling, and breathtaking.

Connect With Louis:
@LouisDiBianco on Twitter
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Louis Di Bianco on IMDB
[email protected]
Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Change Your Story, Change Your Life on iTunes

The Mission Log: [03:27] - We start things off by learning a little bit about Louis, what he does, and how he got started in storytelling as a child. He then shares his roundabout life story, which includes ending up studying the unlikely field of accounting. [08:26] - Louis actually enjoyed the study of accounting, he reveals, but knew it wasn’t his lifelong career. He then shares more of his story, describing his change of major to English literature and how he eventually used his acting skills to teach business-people. [12:28] - How did Louis translate his skills on stage to the business world, and what are some of the most important things that he taught these people to do? [13:56] - Louis offers one tip that will immediately help listeners become better presenters, involving an “in late, out early” approach to speeches and presentations. [20:27] - We learn another possible way to compellingly open a speech: starting with a question. He offers a few examples in response to topics Orion suggests, and then offers an example of using a prop instead of a question. [24:05] - How does Louis come up with these brilliant openers? In response, he demystifies the idea of brilliance, explaining that “everyone is brilliant.” [27:28] - Louis describes what he believes is one of the most important keys to powerful communication: using all five of your senses. [30:08] - Louis gives us a rule that he offers people from his acting experience: “show, don’t tell.” He elaborates on what he means by this, tying it into his previous point of addressing all five senses. [31:30] - We learn more about how Louis’ stage acting experience contributes to his storytelling, from his perspective. He and Orion then talk about the importance of body language. [35:48] - Does Louis memorize a script for his presentation, or have general cues and then go with the flow from there? [38:16] - Louis discusses ways to remember the bulletpoints. He and Orion then discuss the potential issues with PowerPoint. Louis then talks about a complete template for doing a powerful presentation every time, which he calls the “Frankenstein template.” [40:11] - Louis and Orion discuss Frankenstein. Louis then shares how the Frankenstein concept relates to creating a compelling presentation. [44:37] - We learn what Louis means by the “message” in the presentation: it’s the one thing that your entire presentation is about, that you want people to remember even if they forget everything else. [45:46]- Louis goes through the different parts of a presentation, linking each of these to body parts to continue his Frankenstein analogy. He gives a specific example of a presentation and how he would apply these concepts. [51:13] - Orion steps in for a moment to discuss the importance of bringing things home for people in a powerful way. Louis elaborates this, offering specific examples again. [53:51] - What does Louis do throughout the presentation for persuasion to plant seeds for the final call to action? [55:09] - What are Louis’ three tips to living a stellar life? 1. The moment you open your eyes in the morning, turn your mind to gratitude. 2. Don’t begin your day until you know how it’s going to end. 3. Don’t blame, don’t complain, and don’t explain. [58:35] - Louis talks about where listeners can find him: his podcast Change Your Story, Change Your Life (where Orion is featured on an episode!). You can also find this podcast on iTunes. He mentions his book Persuasion Genie, and offers a free copy to the first 10 Stellar Life listeners who reach out to him at [email protected]. Anyone after those 10 will receive the Frankenstein template in a PDF format along with an ebook on the secrets of powerful storytelling. Links and Resources:
@LouisDiBianco on Twitter
Louis Di Bianco on Facebook
Louis Di Bianco on IMDB
[email protected]
Change Your Story, Change Your Life
Change Your Story, Change Your Life on iTunes
Death by PowerPoint
Jim Rohn
Persuasion Genie

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