Life happens for you, not to you. When things are not going your way, it can be comforting to take the easy way out and blame everything and everyone else for your problems and stress. And while there are people who will hurt you, or things that happen that are beyond your control, that just plainly seem so unfair, or cruel, these facts of life are always going to be there - it’s what you do about them that matters. 

You owe it to yourself to have the self confidence and self love to make sure your needs are getting met. Regardless of the ups and downs of life, it really is up to you to roll with the punches and make the best out of your life as possible. It’s up to you to have the foresight to realize that there is a lesson in every hardship - it’s the gift with the bow on the bottom. You can’t see it yet, but if you are open to receiving the message, you’ll get it soon enough. 

With all that being said, I know it’s not easy to develop mindfulness and self-awareness, which are the pathways to forgiving, and healing your life. Life will continue to happen, and the good news is, you are totally in control of how you handle what comes your way, the good and the bad. All it takes is a little training on how to do this. My guest today actually trains and coaches others on how to develop their personal well-being through mindfulness. She has an incredible life story of her own that you’ll surely find inspiration and might just be the key to start you own healing journey.