You’ve probably heard of the team “being woke”, which in popular slang is used to refer to operating out of a higher state of consciousness. When we reach this level of awakened reality, is when we start  living the life that we want, regardless of the external pressures of society to live our lives a certain way.

To get to this level of consciousness, you do need to put in a lot of internal work, but you don’t have to do it alone. There are so many amazing workshops, courses, masterminds, basically communities of like minded people who are on the same internal quest as you are, and in banding together you’ll find the ultimate support and inspiration to keep going.   My guest today was a pioneer in the development of Masterminds. Jay Fiset has been in the field for over 30 years, and has dedicated most of his career to integrating a global movement of conscious creators  to organize their lives and resources around their passions and gifts. Tune in to learn how to access a higher level of consciousness and meaningfully connect with like minded people.