Lisa Shield posted her first online profile when online dating was still considered taboo. She went on a hundred first dates, one after another, over the course of the next two years. Finally, she met and married the love of her life. 16 years later, she still describes herself as one of the happiest women on the planet. Her success led her to become one of the first dating and relationship coaches in the nation. She’s a sought-after relationship expert who loves helping couples and singles use their emotional nakedness to attract and keep a life partner.

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The Mission Log: [03:26] - Lisa talks a bit about herself and how she got to the point where she is today as a love coach. [06:54] - We learn that Lisa’s first husband, who she was with for 13 years, was a pathological liar. [08:14] - When Lisa started coaching, no one else was doing it and she had to do it on her own. [08:34] - What does Lisa think has changed the most between the time she started coaching and now? [10:38] - Lisa talks about whether people are commitment-phobic these days. [12:32] - Orion shares the story of finding her own soulmate, and the total surrender involved in the process. [15:23] - Lisa brings us into the world of a 40-year-old single lady in the big city, whose competition is the young girls, who hangs out with married friends with kids. [20:02] - When you have such a fixed idea of what you think you need, you shut yourself off from possibilities that you haven’t even considered. [23:41] - Lisa shares her thoughts on women who live more in their masculine energy. [27:46] - What are some of Lisa’s top tips for dating? [30:49] - When you meet your soulmate and really fall in love, you’ll never have enough time with him, Lisa explains. [33:45] - Lisa’s work is called “emotionally naked dating,” she reveals, and talks about the process that she walks her clients through. [35:15] - What are some ways of communication that don’t sound needy or desperate? [37:40] - Lisa describes some destructive behaviors. [41:48] - We hear about Lisa’s rules for sleeping with guys, including her theory that you need to share your head before you share your bed. [44:40] - What is “good company” for a man? In her answer, Lisa emphasizes the importance of mirroring a man’s masculinity back to him. [47:21] - Orion shares a tradition that she and her husband do every night before bed. [49:08] - Lisa talks about how she brings the agreement of not taking anything personally into her relationship. [53:35] - What are LIsa’s three top tips to living a stellar life? #1. Do not quit until you find your man. #2. Grow, grow, grow. #3. Gratitude. Be grateful. [56:53] - Where can listeners find Lisa to learn more or work with her? Links and Resources: Lisa Shield @LisaShield on Twitter Lisa Shield on Facebook Lisa Shield on LinkedIn Lisa Shield on Yelp The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz Don Miguel Ruiz

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