Episode 210 - Brian Yaeger, beer writer, donut expert

Happy Monday, Thieves! This episode finds us back at Barcade. We're messing with the timeline and the line up this week. Brian Yaeger, the writer, pun master, and doughnut expert is back on the show this week, sitting down with John and Casse while Augie was on a trip and Justin was engaged elsewhere. So, we decided to go back to our roots and get the sounds of arcade games in the background while we talk about the intersection of craft beer and artisan doughnuts. Yaeger, it so happens, is working on a book about the topic. He fills us in. 

Since Casse was in the Justin seat pouring the beers, John pulled in local Jersey City brewer Brian Kulbacki of Departed Soles to sit in the Augie chair and drink out of black glasses. He was a good sport, even after John mispronounced his last name more times than is reasonable. Tune in and let us know what you think!

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Co-hosts: Augie Carton & John Holl Producer: Justin Kennedy Engineer: Brian Casse Music: "Abstract Concepts - What Up in the Streets" by Black Ant.