If you're watching this on YouTube you will see that i have grown a very ugly moustache, this is because I am supporting Movember and raising money for men's health awareness. Please donate to support my cause here:

My guest this week is one of  driving forces behind efficiency, collaboration and staff satisfaction within the NHS; Ahmed Shahrabani, the founder of the collaborative staffing platform Locums Nest.

Ahmed and his cofounder created Locums Nest after experiencing the problems first hand faced by the NHS and the huge expense caused by utilising locum agencies to fill vacant positions at short notice. 

Locums Nest combines easy to use technology and an emphasis on collaboration across Trusts to fill the gaps in healthcare settings. They service every kind of healthcare specialisation and have aims to become the path of least resistance towards a truly national and collaborative NHS, as well as saving the NHS £1billion by 2022.

You can find out more here:

And you can reach out to me here:

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