Some days are tougher than other, but if
you can laugh at those days, it ain’t so bad. We’re back at it discussing all
sorts of things including pest control. Infant and mother mortality rates
amongst black people in the state of Ohio is terrible, and nothing is being
done to correct it by the supposed Pro-Life Party that has a legislative super
majority in this state. The Cavaliers of Cleveland are heading to the playoffs
and this city needs to support them more. Ant wonders if men’s behavior is
based on maturity. Do you have a signature scent? Are you into cologne or
perfumes? Dan was forced to abandon his home when Covid moved in down the hall
from him. It stunk to have to dip out so fast but was nice to kick it with his
family. Tee watched so much stuff his entire segment was built around his
entertainment choices for the week. We wrap it up with some AITA and some
listener feedback.

Team SKiM

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#Cleveland #Ohio #Podkast #LiveFromThe216 #PhifeDawg
#LyricsToGo #ATribeCalledQuest #MidnightMarauders #InfantMortalityRate
#ClevelandCavaliers #NBA #Playoffs #Perfume #Cologne #Covid #Family
#Entertainment #AlisonBrie #SomeoneIUsedToKnow #SpinMeRound #Shrinking
#TedLasso #GrandCrew #GamerTheory #BobLovesAbishola #TheMandalorian #AhmedBest
#KelleranBeq #JarJarBinks #RedDeadRedemtion2



Infant Mortality Racial Gaps Persist in Ohio Over Last Decade



for selling the house my brother and his family live in.



Alternative Title – Winnie The Poohin’ It All Summer

Beat provided by

Produced by White Hot


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