I mean, we told y’all as long as we were doing the Social Distancing version of the show that we might as well take advantage and have guests. Well we went and got a slugger for our first ringer and it is none other than star of Pod and Stage Nicju! It really is a banger of an episode from beginning to end as we discuss what does and does not count as The Bay Area. Antennas and Satellite Dishes. Attempting to get paid channels to one of us’s near death. That leads us to discussing putting it all on the line for the chance to see some boobs. How our imagination is shot after years of having access to stuff on the internet as men, and how Nic, as a lady can still take it to the mind as the adult industry doesn’t cater to her needs. We explain in detail how OnlyFans works for our guest. Quarantine means a lack of barbers and that get us considering doing the worst, cutting our on hair. Everything is essential if you want it bad enough. We get a civics lesson on DC Politics. We each give our Apocalypse update. What we have been eating, watching, and enjoying during these dark days. How we manage to talk about the 2016 NBA Championship and Lebron is beyond me but here we are. The food racism of our parents was wild. Degrassi, Drake, and the “N-Word” (ed’s note Truss, your man’s will say Nigga, but for this conversation it was about the “N-Word. ~T).

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