After a really successful Season 1, building from zero to hero, we ended up with 10s of 000s of people listening which is incredible!

Then lockdown happened. It hit me hard, of course, being in management I have had to take some serious time to re imagine what everything looks like professionally. Feeling like things are starting to take shape, feeling fresh and ready to go again. Ready to bring another season with a new framing;

As a creative being who has chosen this existence, there are probably several events that you could not plan for which propelled you on the path you are on. Which just goes to show, we are not necessarily in control of very much at all!

This episode's guest is none other than Ian Little. He has produced albums for Duran Duran, Roxy Music and several other Multi Platinum artists. He made millions, lost millions, ended up homeless on the streets of Manhattan, New York battling against winter! He suffered from Hepatitus C before there was any kind of cure AND he has now written his life story down. The main this is he is very much alive at 66, he is smiling and happy and he takes us through his life story and how he managed to cope and survive that crazy journey and keep on going today.

His book will be out towards the end of November
and you will be able to purchase it from:


I am still offering the Lockdown special of the Staying Sane In The Music Game Audiobook absolutely free from the website:


Please spread the word to another muso of your choice and let's keep having these conversations about mental health and going insane and then staying sane!

Many blessings!