00:00 - "The talk" and just one of the perils of modern living.

05:37 - Kris has been playing Night in the Woods, and we find out what kind of a Mae he is.

14:37 - Seasonal teas, hot chocolates, and whether Horlicks is an international brand.

19:16 - Istanbul: Digital Edition, and why this straight adaptation of the board game is a winner.

36:44 - Peter's chamomile teas, and a particularly memorable "date".

41:08 - Wolverine: The Long Night is a podcast from Marvel that comes thoroughly recommended.

51:12 - Our listener question this episode comes from @purple_steve who asks us a question about coals, LEGO, and plugs.

Plus some farmers who don't like the dark, with bright sparks Kris (@DigitalStrider) and Peter (@XeroXeroXero).

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