00:30 - All rise. The Court of The Pod is now in session, the Honourable Judge Frost presiding. Our first case: leaving drinks in other people's fridges.

07:20 - The maker of The Mind and The Quacks of Quedlinburg - Wolfgang Warsch - is back with Taverns of Tiefenthal from Schmidt Spiele and Coiledspring Games, which we review in-depth.

27:17 - Watching stuff together but separately, and Battle of Big Rock, the (quite scary) new Jurassic Park short.

38:37 - Our question comes from Dan Hughes (@Dghughes28), who asks: is a 10/10 game possible?

49:25 - Honk a.k.a. Untitled Goose Game.

All that, and the cheeky things Mario Kart will make you do, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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