00:00 - Super Mario Odyssey is great, with a surprisingly compelling narrative hook, and has convinced us that maybe, just maybe, 3D Mario games can work as well as the 2D ones.
09:29 - Stag Part 1: fun and games and fizzy beverages at Sam's stag in York, plus RAF facts.
14:41 - Stag Part 2: Sam Bingo came to a rapid end, the best salt and vinegar crisps, and "the great normaliser" that is FootGolf.
20:09 - A big welcome to Winston, Superkmx, Adamski, Andy Barton, Robyn Z, and (probably) a member of the landed gentry, in our Charity Miles update.
26:21 - Stag Part 3: A very special recording session at Precentor Studios which, if you want to subject yourself to it, can be found on our YouTube channel.
37:37 - TowerFall Ascension from Matt Makes Games is an arrow shooting arena shooter where you always feel like you're either playing like absolute rubbish, or amazingly well.
44:13 - Stag Part 4: lovely York, Samikers, and post-stag rebuild.
49:04 - Which of the current squad at Aston Villa makes the best cup of tea AND has the keenest eye for painting miniatures, and is it John McGinn? Thanks for the question, @Games247!

All that, and a "maraca mode", with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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