00:10 - Revealed: our favourite Twitter accounts (spoilers, it's @leastusedemoji & @darkstockphotos).
06:21 - The chaps went to Frankfurt, or as it shall now forever be known, "Coventry Gone Crazy". Plus a visit to the incredible T3 Terminal Entertainment.
18:32 - Charity shop find Risk Express is a dangerous game for friendships, from Hasbro and Reiner Knizia.
27:17 - We get drawing and scheming with A Fake Artist Goes to New York by Jun Sasaki.
35:29 - It's our regular Charity Miles update. There's 15 of us now and our pals Nicholas, Mike Daw, Brittany Harbidge, Kathryn Hopkins, and Qourth are putting in some amazing effort!
39:59 - Oh sure, Hypnotising surreal puzzler The Gardens Between is on PC, Mac, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One, but it's best played on Switch, and we'll tell you why.
50:38 - "Cheaters never prosper", except in Schummel Hummel.
57:35 - Our listener question comes from @Lonegamesman, who asks "what is one aspect of the hobby (board game or video game) that one of your fellow SiP members raves about or enjoys that you do not, and why?". Thanks pal!

All that, and a fair bit of Currywurst, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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