How do you do, fellow kids? Have you checked out Rhino Hero: Super Battle yet? Well we have and we think it’s lovely, and we tell you all about it on the latest episode. The equally lovely medieval city builder and tile-placing euro game Kingdomino gets a look-in too.

If you’re after something equally breezy, then there’s also a discussion on why the cultural statements that Watch Dogs 2 attempts to make are at odds with its core gameplay, leading to a curious and jarring ludonarrative dissonance that rings false. We use the term "commedia dell'arte" at one point too, because we’re fancy like that.

There’s a quick chat about why new comedy The Good Place is Michael Schur, Kristen Bell, and Ted Danson at their finest, why one of us has decided to run Twilight Imperium soon, and why Red Dessert Topping and severe eye wounds don’t really mix in darkly comic pen and paper roleplaying game Paranoia.

And alright, look, it’s December, okay? I think it’s fine for us to start talking about our upcoming Secret Santa stuff... right?

That’s all neatly packaged up into just over one hour of three pals talking into microphones for the hopeful enjoyment of others - those pals being Kris (@DigitalStrider), Sam (@MrSamTurner), and Peter (@XeroXeroXero).

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