00:00 - Top hotel hacks, boiling eggs in unconventional ways, and award-winning hotel service horror stories.

15:16 - Our first experience of the BoardGameGeek Secret Santa, and adventures in sending board games to Taiwan.

23:22 - Even more crimbo-capers-on-the-quiet, as we prepare for our own Secret Santa.

31:15 - We're rubbish at the fantastic Medium, a game about unlocking latent psychic powers.

43:09 - His Dark Materials has us completely charmed, of course, but more importantly: who *would* our spirit animals would be?

58:33 - Our question this week comes once again via The Question Man, and @Purple_Steve asks "what cocktails would you pair with your favourite games?"

All that, and cereal-flavoured booze, with Dan (@ThisDanFrost), Kris (@DigitalStrider), Sam (@MrSamTurner), and Peter (@XeroXeroXero).

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