00:00 - Pogs are back, maybe?

05:20 - Ready at Dawn’s The Order: 1886 was an early title on the PlayStation 4 that lots of people seem to have slept on… but they shouldn’t have, as gorgeous-looking steampunk shooty bang bangs are the order of the day.

20:08 - Having a hair cut in the same way a cake is iced.

21:44 - War Boys VI: The Road to Valhalla; it’s that time of the year again, when we play a whole bunch of wargames. We got a little bit of time with the gigantic Hogs of War: The Miniatures Game, but quickly moved on to Godtear, a combination of competitive miniatures game and DOTA. We had a blast.

42:34 - Rent, Shuffle and Roll is a board game rental service that’s the Netflix of tabletop games. We’re really impressed with the service, especially because it’s the perfect way to try games before you buy… games like Fury of Dracula.

53:51 - Robin Z popped us a question.

All that, and The Whiff of Dracula, with Kris (@DigitalStrider), Peter (@XeroXeroXero), and Sam (@MrSamTurner).

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Links to where you can find us - StayingInPodcast.com

Note: sometimes we'll have been sent a review copy of the thing we're talking about on the podcast. It doesn't skew how we think about that thing, and we don't receive compensation for anything we discuss, but we thought you might like to know this is the case.

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